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Lucubrate Magazine, Issue 34, July 27th, 2018
Ms. Dana Carmen Stroie
Dana Stroie is the Head of Unit for Training Programmes and Quality Assurance in Romania. She is an experienced professional with key strengths in formulating strategies for education and training and in initiating and delivering successful high scale projects to improve the education and training systems. She has spent most of her career working in the field of vocational education and training.
Dana Stroie is involved in the development of the initial VET in Romania, including the coordination of the elaboration of the Romanian VET Strategy 2016-2020 and the implementation of Education and Training 2020 strategic framework for European Cooperation (“ET 2020”) at the national level. She has contributed to the elaboration of the legislative framework for the introduction of the Dual system in Romanian and is highly involved in its development. She coordinates the modernization of the initial VET curriculum, competence based assessment, teachers’ training, development of the VET quality assurance framework and learning materials.
Dana Stroie has extensive experience in developing and implementing quality assurance mechanisms, at both the system and provider level and is a founding member of the National Group for Quality Assurance in Education and Training (GNAC). She is the director of numerous teachers’ training programmes accredited by the Romanian Ministry of Education:
- Quality through partnership networks (234 persons certified)
- Competence-based assessment in VET (590 certified teachers)
- Trainers of competence based assessors in VET (42 certified teachers)
- Developers of instruments for competence based assessment in VET (80 certified teachers)
- Trainers of competence based assessment monitors in VET (42 certified teachers)
- Together we build bridges – practical training in vocational and technical education (42 certified teachers)
- JOBS – Counselling and career guidance (810 certified teachers)
At European level, she is member of the Directors General for VET (DGVT), Advisory Committee for VET (ACVT), Steering Committee of the European Quality Assurance Network for VET (EQAVET) and member of the Steering Group of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR) Priority Area 9 “Invest in People and Skills“, since 2011.
Dana Stroie is co-author/ member of the research team for different national/international publications, inter alia:
- HANDBOOK for VET providers – CEDEFOP Reference series 99, ISBN 978-92-896-1666-9, ISSN 1608-7089
- RESEARCH PAPER – Ensuring the quality of certification in VET – CEDEFOP, ISBN 978-92-896-1984-4
- National report on the quality of education and training in preuniversity rural schools – ARACIP 2015, ISBN 978-606-664-529-4
- National Study on establishing a quality culture in the national preuniversity education system – ARACIP 2015, ISBN 978-606-664-607-9
- Methods and instruments for the evaluation and monitoring of VET- systems – BIBB 2009, ISBN 978-3-88555-888-0.
Ms. Dana Carmen Stroie
Email: dana.stroie@yahoo.com and dana.stroie@tvet.ro
Address: National Centre for TVET Development, Ministry of National Education, 10 – 12, Spiru Haret, Bucharest ROMANIA
(Categories: Award, Magazine, TVET expert of the week)
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